6th Grade thru 12th Grade: MVPC's Youth Group embodies the essence of the church's foundational beliefs, fostering a sense of connection and unwavering acceptance. With a commitment to meeting young individuals exactly where they are in their spiritual journey, this vibrant youth group provides a safe space for exploration, growth, and genuine companionship. Rooted in the idea that faith should be a source of joy, the group not only dives deep into meaningful discussions but also shares moments of laughter, aligning perfectly with the motto "laugh often and fear not."

Our Youth Group allows our youth to engage with faith, navigate life's challenges, and uplift one another in an environment of trust and authenticity. Here, friendships flourish, and spiritual connections deepen, in alignment with the church's overarching mission of fostering a community of connection for all ages.

Date: Every Sunday
Time: 4:30pm - 6:30pm
View Calendar for Upcoming Event Dates and Times
Location: Youth Room – second floor in Fellowship Hall