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It’s Thursday and today I have a really big, actually ginormous topic for us today!


Are you familiar with the phrase, “the elephant in the room”? 

Imagine some people in a room, with an elephant in the middle of the room, but no one wants to recognize that the elephant is there. The people in the room talk about a lot of things, but no one ever speaks of the elephant. Sometimes the people are forced to crane their necks to see other people in the room, because the elephant is in the way. When people get up, they carefully step around the elephant, because they don’t want to cause disruption. If anyone would try to bring up the problem of the elephant, others would either say, “What elephant?” or “I don’t want to talk about it.”

The elephant in the family room is a good picture of family secrets. Family secrets are not things that no one knows about; the family knows, and often others do too. But no one talks about them or even admits to them, especially outside the family. No one dares to suggest doing anything about them.

Some family secrets revolve around individuals. Dad drinks too much. Mom has a spending problem. Sister is anorexic. Brother is addicted to pornography or video games.
Other family secrets involve family relationships. The parents fight all time. The siblings are cruel.
Some secrets would horrify anyone who knew: There is sexual or physical or emotional abuse. Others are more subtle: coldness, an undercurrent of anger, or no one is ever good enough.
Is there an “Elephant in your Family Room?”
You’re not alone…
“Elephants in the Room” existed four thousand years ago… 
In the middle of Jacob’s house and heritage stood a big elephant that no one wanted to talk about… “the son who was no more…” - Joseph!
This Sunday we will delve into the “elephant in the room” laden family of Jacob, his sons and particularly Joseph and what happens when the “Elephant in the Room” is finally exposed!
See you Sunday, 
Grace and peace, 
Laugh often and Fear not!