As our Lenten season begins on our 40 Day Journey to the Cross and the Empty Tomb, the question for this Thursday’s Thoughts is: What are you hungry for?
In John 6:25-35, Jesus reminds us that life isn’t about chasing perishable bread but seeking the true Bread of Life—Himself.
We fill our souls with busyness, Netflix binging, service opportunities, social media, and distractions, yet still hunger.
This week, let’s ask ourselves: What am I really hungry for?
Jesus says, “I am the bread of life.”
Pursue Jesus and see how He satisfies the hunger this week...
Challenge: Skip one earthly "hunger" this week—social media, TV, or a favorite treat—and feast on God’s Word instead.
(Hint: Read John 6: 25-35 and you’ll be all ready for Sunday!)
See you Sunday!
Laugh often and Fear not!
Pastor David