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As I write these Thursday's Thoughts, I am looking eastward as the sun rises over the magnificent Las Vegas skyline we call – The Strip!


A most humbling milestone awaits us as we prepare for worship this Sunday.

This Sunday, October 27, 2024 marks the 500th Sundays since I first stood in the pulpit of Mountain View Presbyterian Church here in Las Vegas. Five hundred Sundays of sermons, prayers, laughter, and a fair share of tears. When I think back to the very first Sunday, April 5, 2015, I could never have imagined the rich tapestry of moments that would shape our church and my heart over the years.


What a journey it’s been. We’ve walked together through every season of life! We’ve rejoiced as brides and grooms exchanged vows before God and this congregation. We’ve celebrated the miracle of new life, baptizing little ones and some big ones (adults), and we’ve mourned together too, honoring the lives of those we’ve loved and lost, trusting in the promise of resurrection, “Though we die, yet, shall we live again!”


There were unexpected twists along the way—like a global pandemic that forced us out of our sanctuary and into the unfamiliar world of livestreams, Zoom calls, and socially distant worship. Those were challenging times. But through it all, our church remained resilient. We found creative ways to connect, to serve one another, and to keep the flame of fellowship alive, even from a distance. In the midst of uncertainty, God’s faithfulness never wavered, and neither did yours. We learned that the church is not a building; it's a community, a family, a mission.


I think about the countless sermons preached over these 500 Sundays. Some Sundays, the words flowed easily, and other weeks, well, let’s just say the Holy Spirit had to do some extra work. But every sermon, whether filled with humor or solemnity, has always been rooted in God’s Word and His love for us. I’ve seen faces light up with recognition when a truth hits home, and I’ve heard the hearty laughter of this congregation when we find the joy in God’s grace.


We’ve witnessed tremendous change together—Las Vegas continues to grow and evolve, and our church community has changed with it. Families have come and gone, ministries have flourished, and new opportunities to serve our community have emerged. Yet through it all, our core remains the same: a heart for Jesus and a desire to make His love known.


It hasn’t all been easy. There were days when the weight of ministry felt heavier than I could carry. Times when grief seemed to outnumber joy. But those were the moments when I saw this congregation at its most beautiful, rallying together in prayer, supporting one another in love, and reminding me that none of us walks this journey alone.


As I look ahead, I’m filled with a sense of excitement for what’s to come. There are still so many stories to be written, so many lives to be touched by the love of Christ through this church. I thank God for every single one of you who has been part of this journey. Whether you’ve been here since Sunday #1 (or before) or joined us along the way, you are a cherished member of this body of Christ!


So here’s to the next 500 Sundays—whatever they may bring. May we continue to love deeply, serve humbly, and trust always in the God who has carried us this far and will carry us even further. And yes, may we continue to live out our mantra –
“Laugh often and Fear not!”


Pastor David
