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The wildfires raging through Southern California are a heart-wrenching reminder of the devastating power of fire. With homes destroyed, communities torn apart, and lives lost, the images of flames consuming everything in their path are almost too much to bear. These fires are merciless, unpredictable, and destructive. And yet, in the midst of the chaos and the tragedy, there is a lesson to be learned—one that is as old as time itself, but just as urgent today.

In the book of James, the apostle warns us of a fire that burns even hotter than the ones we see ravaging landscapes—the fire of the tongue. James 3:5-6 says, “Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.”

James’ words are chilling! Just like the smallest spark can ignite a forest fire, the words we speak can set entire lives ablaze—destroying relationships, reputations, and peace of mind. Just as a fire in the wild is uncontrollable once it gains momentum, so too is the damage that comes from a careless, cruel, or hurtful word. And much like the devastation left in the wake of a wildfire, the emotional wreckage caused by our words can linger long after the heat has died down.

Think of the damage caused by a harsh word spoken in anger. It can ravage someone's sense of worth or incite conflict that destroys relationships. The toll may not always be visible like the charred ruins of a house, but it’s real, and it’s felt deeply.

But here’s the hope: Just as firefighters work tirelessly to extinguish the flames, we, too, can work to tame the fire of our words. The same book of James that warns of the tongue as a raging fire also challenges us to seek wisdom and restraint. James 1:19 encourages us to be “quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.” The key to extinguishing the destructive power of our words is not to leave them unchecked, but to bring them under the guidance of God’s wisdom and love.

We are called to build, not burn. To heal, not harm. To speak words of life, not of destruction. The fires in Southern California are a stark reminder of how quickly something can go from being small and contained to being all-consuming. May this be a call for us to reflect on the fires we may be starting with our tongues—those small sparks that, if left unchecked, can scorch the world around us.

As we rebuild the lives and communities ravaged by physical fires, may we also seek to rebuild the relationships and lives damaged by our words. May our tongues become instruments of healing, comfort, and encouragement, and may we be mindful of the flames we can either ignite or extinguish with what we say.

“Words matter!”

Grace and peace,
Laugh often and Fear not!
