It’s the last Thursday of January in the New Year 2025!
How has the first month of 2025 gone for you?
More than likely the “New Year’s Resolutions” which were made 30 days ago stopped 20 days ago!
At MVPC we have been looking at the “signs” of Jesus (His miracles) in the Gospel of John.
The first three signs were:
1. Turning the Water into Wine (900 bottles worth!!)
2. Healing the Royal Official’s Son (from a distance)
3. Healing the Paralytic by the Pool of Bethesda (“Do you want to be healed?”)
This Sunday we look at the “Feeding of the Five Thousand.”
How did Jesus feed 5,000 men with only five loaves and two fish. No telling how many women and children were there.
They even collected twelve baskets of leftovers! Amazing!
One of the key points of this sign is, “it doesn’t take much for Jesus to do miraculous things.”
This drives home the point even more when Jesus says, all we need is faith the size of a mustard seed.
What little we have
What little we offer
What little we believe
What little we think…
Jesus takes “whatever” we got and turns it into a miracle!
What do you have?
What do you offer?
What do you believe?
What do you think?
Whatever it is… It is enough!
See you Sunday!
Laugh often and Fear not!